The Coaching Process

What to expect from Coaching

Planting a seed and nurturing it to bloom is a lot like coaching a goal into existence.

In order for the seed to grow certain factors need to be considered. Firstly, what type of flower are you growing? knowing this will help you care for it correctly. What tools do you need to plant it? Is the soil healthy and free of weeds? And finally, establishing a habit to nurture it consistently and compassionately so that it can flourish into its full potential. 

Our goals and ideas are much like that seed, and during our coaching sessions together I will help you identify what factors need to be in place to create the optimal environment for your seed to not only grow, but thrive.

✺ Consultation ✺

It all begins with a clarity call where we first establish what you hope to gain from coaching, what concerns you might have, and what type of support you hope to get from me as your coach. During this time we can get to know each other a bit better and I can explain a bit more about my coaching approach, and answer any questions or concerns you may have.

✺ First session - What are we planting? ✺

Our first session together will be spent clarifying your vision, and understanding your goal at a granular level. This way we can better learn how it will fit into your life and what tools such as personal strengths, resources and capabilities will aid the process. 

✺ Second Session - preparing the soil ✺

During our second session we will prime your mindset and up-root any weeds that may be lurking beneath the surface. These may be long held beliefs that no longer serve you, performance inhibiting thoughts that may be keeping you stuck, or unhelpful behaviours that slow down your progress.

✺ Third session - nurturing the seed ✺

Following sessions will see us work collaboratively to establish new beliefs, behaviours and habits that will nurture your vision. The coaching sessions work towards helping you maintain clarity and build your confidence whilst outlining the steps you need to take to reach your goals. I will ask you questions to encourage reflection of the current situation, explore different perspectives, and hold you accountable. The entire coaching process is centered around giving you the tools to mcultivate an empowering mindset that will elevate your career, relationships and wellbeing. By the end of the coaching journey you will have the tools to grow your own garden, and coach yourself towards your many more goals in the future.